Abdullah Öcalan: Year 2024, still war, still no solution
- 16:04 12 December 2024
- News
ANKARA - DEM Party MP Ömer Öcalan shared details from his meeting with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Ömer Öcalan shared the following words of Abdullah Öcalan: "We could have solved this problem in 2000, but they took it to a different level. The year is 2024; there is still war, still no solution, still conflict."
Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) MPs are speaking at the budget negotiations of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate, Ministry of Industry and Technology and affiliated organisations in the General Assembly of the Parliament.
He shared the details of his meeting with Abdullah Öcalan
DEM Party Riha MP Ömer Öcalan revealed the details of his meeting with PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı on 23 October and his suggestions for the solution of the Kurdish issue in the Parliament. Ömer Öcalan, who disclosed some of the details of his meeting with Abdullah Öcalan for the first time in the budget talks of the Parliament, stated that the PKK Leader evaluated Kurdish-Turkish relations from Sultan Sencer, Melikşah, Idris-i Bitlisî, Yavuz Sultan Selim, Abdülhamid Khan and Mustafa Kemal.
Ömer Öcalan shared Abdullah Öcalan's words as follows: "He analysed the Kurdish-Turkish alliances and explained how Kurds and Turks had reached this stage together. There were suggestions for solutions. He added ‘We can solve this problem through dialogue. We could have solved this problem in 2000. I said in 1999 that I would serve to solve the Kurdish-Turkish issue. I said it in 2000 and I say it now. But they took it to a different level. They said, ‘Apo is doing this to save himself. We are still at the point we have reached; this is the issue that is still being discussed in the parliament. The year is 2024; still war, still no solution, still conflict."
‘We have a historical process ahead of us’
Ömer Öcalan stated that Abdullah Öcalan clearly conveyed to him that he was in good spirits, strong, in command of the agenda and that he would take the initiative in solving the problems, and quoted Abdullah Öcalan's following statements "Of course, when we talked about the terms and conditions in our message, I do not mean these terms and conditions for my own person. I do not mean them for personal terms and conditions; I made evaluations towards the preparation of the solution environment. Some journalists who define themselves as ‘opposition media’ also evaluated this meeting in a manipulative way. Some of them made different evaluations such as the third country, some as a guarantor country, and some in their own way. Of course, the ruling media also tried to distort this meeting from its own perspective, but the issue is serious. We have a historical process ahead of us; we can turn this historical process into a great and honourable peace in a positive and positive sense. No one wants to think beyond that anyway."
Is Turkey ready?
Ömer Öcalan continued his words as follows: "Of course Gaza was discussed, the Middle East was discussed, evaluations were made about Israel, Kurds in Iraq, Kurds in Syria and Kurds in Iran. Their suggestions were the most reasonable suggestions and their analyses were the most reasonable analyses. Will the Turkish government or the Turkish state authorities come to this or not? Will they prepare this ground or not? The issue is somewhat knotted here.
Of course, he also spoke about Rojava. He closely follows the developments in Syria. He has a good command of the agenda through a few television channels he follows."